There are three ways to notify us if you need the cancel to be ordered:

Notifying Ordo via the app

  1. Go to your Orders Upcoming page.
  1. Look for the specific order then click the “Request help” button.

  1. Add your notes and indicate the reason why you want to cancel the order.

  1. Click “Submit Help Request”.

Notifying Ordo via the email

Please send us an email at with the following details:

  1. Your child’s name.
  2. Your child’s school’s name
  3. Date when the order is scheduled to be served, 
  4. Short description why you’d like us to cancel the order (e.g., child is sick, child has a field trip, etc.). 

Notifying Ordo via text message

You can also send us a text message at (855) 756-2909.